My ride home

March 24, 2010   

freezing salt water

This is a picture of the salt water freezing on Cheshire. Pretty cold here at the moment -23C wind chill blowing 36 knots from the south. The ship arrived in at 1pm today and relief has started with winter stores being unloaded and garbage, personal boxes etc being loaded on to go north.

We leave on Saturday so 2 more days on base for me. I will be sad to leave my ‘home’ of the last 5 months and all the friends that are staying behind for the winter. It is however, sure to be a great cruise home even if there are very large seas! Apparently no one was allowed on deck or in the cargo holds on the way south as there was such a large sea state. To many things to do this Saturday has come very very quickly.
The ship brought me another wedding invitation with my mail and a beautiful colorful card from Sutter which everyone admired. Pictures of flowers are very much in demand even the boys like them!

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