Archive for December, 2009


Another flight!

December 6, 2009   

Mars trip Dec 09 with Ashley 029 (20)
Pilot Mark my instructor!
Mars trip Dec 09 with Ashley 029 (30)On Friday I flew down to Fossil Bluff. We were attempting to put Clive and Kevin into Mars Oasis for Kevin’s field project. Unfortunately the contrast wasn’t great so instead we dropped them off at Fossil Bluff.
Mars trip Dec 09 with Ashley 029 (13)

I will have more pictures later of the cabin at Fossil Bluff it really is something. I am really in love with it and even got to do the final approach to landing at Rothera and did the controls to within 50 feet of landing. The pilots down here are awesome and really into teaching if you want to learn. I have a bunch of books coming down to start reading up for my PPL.

Mars trip Dec 09 with Ashley 029 (21)
The crevassing in one section of the flight was amazing. This picture shows crevasses that are about 100 feet deep. We were 100 feet above the deck.

A new sport…

December 5, 2009   


Picture taken by Claire of our trip up Stork. Myself with Clive uphill of me.

Palmer and LARISSA


Very early this morning the R/V Palmer tied up at the wharf to unload some science gear for the LARISSA project. The LARsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica (LARISSA) project is an NSF-funded interdisciplinary project that will try to study as many aspects as possible of ice shelf ecosystems on the heels of the 2002 collapse of the Larsen B Ice Shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula. Last week an American twin otter came into base and will be based here for two months supporting the LARISSA project. A group of us spent the morning taking american’s from the ship for a tour of the base and also I manned the base store. They also got a tour of the aquarium and dive store courtesy of Mel and JJ. They were only on base for 4 hours while the crew of the ship unloaded containers, skidoos an science equipment.


This afternoon everyone is inside watching movies or going to the gym as a large low has come in bringing 40 knot winds and driving snow. This is when a nice indoor fireplace would be lovely. I am writing and working on organising my photos. Quite relaxing after a long busy week!

Sea Spider


This is a picture of the Sea Spider I brought up on my last dive in the Aquarium in the Bonner Lab. He was quite hard to bring up and is the biggest the marine biologists have seen in the year they have been here. It was quite hard to surface from 20m while holding onto a spider in one hand and a seal prod in the other but I managed to do it without damaging him so was very happy.

Rothera on Sky News this coming week


The first media visit of the season – Sky News at Rothera – took place in November and the news reports from this visit will be broadcast on Sky News (Freeview Channel 82) next Monday (7th Dec) and Tuesday (8th Dec) to coincide with the start of the Copenhagen Climate Change conference. The reports will be broadcast every hour from 4am onwards and will also be accessible on the Sky News website:

The first news report (broadcast throughout the day on Monday 7th Dec) contains interviews with Andy Smith, Rob Bingham and Konrad Steffen.

The second news report (broadcast throughout the day on Tuesday 8th Dec) contains interviews with Melissa Langridge and Dave Barnes.

A half an hour news report ‘The Frozen Front Line’ will also be available on Sky Anytime (only available to SKY subscribers) in HD from Monday 7th Dec onwards. This will be broadcast on the Sky News Freeview Channel from 24th December onwards at various times. The report includes interviews with Tamsin Gray, Andy Smith, Rob Bingham, Dave Barnes, Melissa Langridge, Terri Souster and Konrad Steffen.

I will not be featured as I was not on base at the time however, Mel and Terri are part of the marine team down here that I work with.

Relief arrives

December 4, 2009   

twinotterflybyLast Sunday on a beautiful evening the James Clark Ross came around Adelaide island with two twin otters flying above.

The JCR is the BAS ship which came in with supplies and scientists after a two week science cruise from the Falklands to Rothera. We spent two and half days unloading the cargo from the ship which is basically a years worth of supplies for the base including steel for rebuildling the wharf and new machinery. We perched at the memorials to get a view of the ship docking.

Monday and Tuesday were long days at the wharf using forklifts and then long days and evenings hand carting everything into the correct storage areas. The alcohol for the base took two hours of a human chain to get into the bond upstairs one evening!

In Search of Penguin Poo…

December 3, 2009   

SFYC SFYC burgee at Fossil Bluff Fuel Depot Lat. 71° 20? S, Long. 68° 17? W

So it is Thursday and I had on of the coolest experiences of my life on monday and haven’t had the time to write about it. I flew a twin otter for 5 hours on monday out of the 9 hours of flight time. That’s right I actually flew the plane 🙂 and I am now in love with flying it is so similar to sailing. At some points we were 200 feet above the ice.. Tomorrow I am going out again if the weather is good enough.

So Henry here are pictures of Aunty Ash flying the plane!

I spent the morning from 7am shifting three container loads of food into the food store most of the boxes were 30kg each so I was glad to get out of it and go flying. We left at 10:30am from Rothera and it was the most beautiful flying day of the season according to my pilot Doug. Fitted to the planes underbody we had a massive SLR camera and were tasked to go take pictures of an Emperor penguin colony the other side of the Antarctic Peninsula and also some pictures of sea ice. The project is based around the finding of penguin colonies using satellite imagery which was announced in June this year.
magiccamera The very large view finder of the camera under our plane!

We stopped first at Fossil Bluff which is a fuel depot which I will be sent to man sometime this season. Tony who is down there this week is Rothera’s electrician and he joked that the best job he had ever had was one of a fuel attendant! It really is a beautiful place to be.

After refuelling we took off for the other side of the peninsula to the colony which had been found using satellite images. I had been told by the guys who were going to Halley that I would miss out on seeing Emperor Penguins well I didn’t I just saw them from 2000 feet!

We were meant to fly north to get more pictures of sea ice however, the cloud cover came down and we headed back to Fossil Bluff for more fuel and for a cup of tea at the melon hut.

By the time we got back to base it was 8:30pm and time for a late dinner and then I headed up the hill to camp at the caboose to finish off an amazing day down south!

One last picture for Henry – the big plane – Dash 7 in the hanger.