7 dresses! (outfits)

December 13, 2009   

So living down here is pretty crazy in the amount of time you change clothing each day. In one day I am regularly in 7 different outfits.

I start my day at 6:45am in my gym clothing and go and row 5km on the rowing machine. Back by 7:30am in my room and change into office clothing.

At 8:30am I am in the boatshed doing some maintenance. Despite the insulation they installed the shed gets down to -20 in the winter so we have insulated boiler suits we wear so as not to get grease etc over everything.

Through out the day I might be in and out of the boiler suit, my diving dry suit and my boatsuit as I take scientists out on the water.
diving 002

If there is not too much wind I am back in my gym cloths to run before dinner on the runway at 6pm. Then change into ordinary trousers and shirt for dinner. After dinner it is normally time to go mountaineering, ice climbing or skiing so back to the room to change into outside clothes.


2 Responses to “7 dresses! (outfits)”

  1. Hope you are having a fun time down there! Seems like some true multitasking!< Happy Holidays! Andy

  2. As my fake uncle use to say. “the most fun you can have with your clothes on!” I am really loving it and will be taking up the employment offer they have already extended to come back next season…. Holidays don’t seem to have perculated down here but hope you have a good one!