My little man

May 26, 2008   

Last night I got to look after my nephew while my brother and sister in law went out to the movies. He is such great fun and although he can’t speak fully yet he understands a ton. The most important thing to me is that he can say my name and always comes running to give me a hug with a big smile. Believe me I spoil him a lot which is what Aunties are for.

The cutest game to play is what does a cow etc. say. He can do crows, snakes, pigs, donkeys, sheep, horse in fact most animals. This morning I went round and picked him and Draeger the dog up and we went for an hour and half walk in Tennessee Valley picking wildflowers to bring home for Mummy. As usual we were fascinated by rocks, wanted to look down all the holes and fill them with rocks, squashed ants, pointed at spiders, poked cooko spit on the grass and smelt every flower. A great way to spend a holiday monday. Hope you had a relaxing weekend where ever you are.

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