Catching Paraceradocus

February 10, 2010   

Paraceradocus are basically little brown shrimpy things that live in algae and under rocks and grow to about 2cm in length living in shallows and at depth.

When Terri and I go diving for them she will lift the rocks and pick them up and I am right next to her with a tub with a lid and I open up the lid hopefully not letting out any of the contents and capture the little thing then quickly close the lid. It makes a difference if you work as a team as it is quicker than having to catch the little thing and then try to open the tub and get them in!

The shrimps are used in thermal limit experiments which means their respiration etc. is measured as they are warmed up. Basically their survival depends on how quickly they are warmed up but most perish at 2C increase in temperature so in the case of sea temperature rising by 2C they most likely would not survive.


One Response to “Catching Paraceradocus”

  1. Fascinating. Is there any danger in the temp. rising to that degree in the foreseeable future?