Freshies, mail and some ski mountaineering

June 19, 2011   

Tommy and I with the frozen Gull Lake below

Today a ship came in bearing fresh fruit and veg to compliment our midwinter dinner on tuesday and Tommy and I enjoyed some ski mountaineering. I also made a carrot cake and a bakewell tart as we are officially on holidays!

We worked our way up to Hodges Bowl skinning and then got to some section that were too steep to skin and both had to remove our skis/snowboard to make it to the plateau of a ridge under Narwhal. Unfortunately the lack of contrast and very hard crust with strastrugi made it hard going coming back down but we both had a ton of fun 🙂 Back in time to bio secure the fresh veg and get our mail fresh off the ship including Tommy’s belated birthday presents.

Tommy post hole digging up the slope towards Narwhal.

Due to a science cruise being brought forward we have decided to work wednesday afternoon, thursday and friday this week and postpone the activities that were meant for those days to when the two people who are going off on the cruise are back. So midwinter week will be divided over two week. Tomorrow morning we have a fishing boat in for inspection so we will be boating first thing and the rest of the day is left for people to finish off MWP. Tuesday will be a day full of activity so come back and look at the pictures if you are interested!


One Response to “Freshies, mail and some ski mountaineering”

  1. Ash we are leaving Colorado this morning, it is raining, we will see Kurt Siebenthal
    near the airport as he is on holiday now.
    We have the autopilot, your books the spin ends etc hopefully all the stuff you sent
    we are getting the house ready for dorothy to spend the round the island weekend
    with mom in London, while Myles and I play in the solent.

    Love from mom and dad