Getting ready…

November 2, 2009   

I am leaving to go south in 10 days and it is fall/winter in the UK the leaves are looking beautiful. Last week after crane driving I spent the week working on my fathers boat, cleaning out the attic in my parents house, seeing friends, writing birthday cards, sorting out christmas cards and presents. This week I am visiting friends some more helping my mum with a Guy Fawkes party, having my hair cut (I have been dared by a friend to shave it all off!), packing my 23kg allowance (a hard thing to do) and working some more on Dad’s boat. So just a lot of mundane running around chores! Soon enough I will be on the plane headed to Madrid then Santiago, Falklands and Rothera.

Have a great week.

DSCN4300 This is a picture taken on Hampstead Heath where I went for a walk with a friend.

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