Holy Sh** we are here

November 16, 2009   


We are in Rothera finally it is amazing… I got to fly in the jump seat for take off from Falklands and then was in the pilot seat on the Dash 7 for part of the Drake’s Passage crossing.

Wow can’t believe I am here.

Induction training starts tomorrow with aircraft familiaristaion, health and safety, station comms, environmental and medical, station tour, vehicle familirisation and a walk around the point.


Have to go to bed as I am really tired but it is bright sunlight out 🙂

Have a great week.


3 Responses to “Holy Sh** we are here”

  1. Just back from SFO and thrilled to see you can keep up your blog AND provide pictures. See one fellow outside without a hat, is he crazy/immune to the cold, what was the temp then.So sorry to have missed your phone call, will there be more? x mum

  2. Sorry I missed talking to you will try to call this weekend. So much to do though and so little time!

  3. How long was the flight? Did your plane have bathrooms? I heard the American one does not from a student in one of my classes a few years back. Photos are AWESOME by the way. So proud! -R