One handed cooking

December 21, 2009   

beautifulweekendIt was my weekend for SAR but seeing as I can’t get into the boat with my hand like it is I spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon making cookies, lemon meringue pie and mince pies one handed! This isn’t a small task on base as there are 80 people to feed at the moment so that is 160 mince pies for two each…

It was a shame as it was such a beautiful weekend to be out skiing however, I had a little bit of a lie in on Sunday till 9:30am which was nice.


4 Responses to “One handed cooking”

  1. Kate, Simon and James

    How apt your card arrived on a baking day! Made any of your chocolate pud? Thinking of you whilst looking out to the snowy back garden. Perhaps we’ll join you in a White Christmas?!
    Sending you Christmas Greetings from us all. x

  2. What happened to your hand?

    Have a good christmas down there…we’ll be thinking of you in the warm Texas sun!


    Tom & Nicole

  3. Rushing to the airport, will tell Starbucks to contact you re: the receipt, as your
    displays look better,

    Happy Holidays and loads of Love
    Mum and DAD

  4. Merry Christmas Ash! Got your neato card today! Watch out for bergie bits!