RIB Caving!

March 15, 2011   

A new sport here on South Georgia on Monday was going into sea caves in our RIB in order to see if their were any traces of rats and to hand bait any caves which might possibly have some. We went quickly around to Harpon in Cumberland West and baited around the hut and then worked our way over the next four hours back along the coast going in very close and at some points a few hundred feet into sea caves. It was really good fun. Photos are by Alastair and Sam the crew for the ‘expedition’.

This is the cave at Curlew Cove that the Carrs who lived here for 14 years used to house some kayaks for expeditions on that side of the Bay.

Inside a massive cave that no one new existed between the cave at Curlew and Maiviken

Throwing bait into a cave – we decided we needed sling shots!

On a very positive note the baiting of the Greene, Thatcher and Mercer Peninsulas has been done which is an incredible achievement for the rat team and means that they have completed 10% of South Georgia which is still the largest baiting in the world. Now they need to monitor for the next year to make sure they were sucessful before moving on to other parts of the island.


2 Responses to “RIB Caving!”

  1. Great pictures, would love a collage of some of these. Who were Carrs? x mum

  2. Tim and Pauline Carr lived on Curlew their yacht at Grytviken and looked after the museum they wrote the book Antarctic Oasis