Was that real?

February 11, 2011   

Today started with a trip to the Greene for the every two day rat box check.

Then my parents arrived on base! They cruised on into the bay on Plancius for a whistle stop 6 hours on base before heading off into the night for their next stop at St Andrews. Mum did the Shackleton Walk in the morning which is from Fortuna to Stromness up the steep scree which is hard work when you aren’t use to it. I think she will be a bit sore tomorrow. We had planned to go around to Stromness to surprise them on the beach however, the wind was above our boating limit in the morning so we weren’t able to. However, Kieron the government officer was very kind and organised for me to go aboard with him even before the boat was at anchor to ensure I got the maximum amount of time with them.

They arrived with many presents from family and friends – thank you to you all. Specially thank you to Dad who carried the large bag all over the world with him!

I took them around base introducing them to all the staff and what normal life is like on base. Next stop was shackleton’s grave, the museum and Wanderer III before dinner. Unfortunately with such a short time I wasn’t able to take them to Maiviken or Penguin River but then I think they saw lots of the sort of thing on their stops around South Georgia.

Sam and Andy made a delightful meal of lasagna and garlic bread and then all to soon the zodiac arrived to take them back to the ship. Mum and Dad managed to get the chef to make me a birthday cake so we were able to have a post birthday celebration.

I agree with everyone that I am very lucky they made it down here. In Pat and Sarah’s memory no other BAS staff has had their parents visit them. Very surreal to have them here and I wouldn’t really believe that they were here except for all the new things in my room 🙂


5 Responses to “Was that real?”

  1. Sounds like your parents had a short but active visit. Your blog is great! Looks like you are keeping very busy.
    Take care and hope that you are feeling better

  2. The trip is called “an expedition” not a cruise!. Was not sore from walking but have had a couple of days of seas i would not wish upon anyone. EVERYONE do go to ANTARTICA , it is truly heaven on earthx Mum

  3. So sorry! Expedition not cruise!

  4. Thank you I am feeling better. Sounds like you will be seeing my parents this week!

  5. Ashley, I am so happy for you that your parents made it to South Georgia, and on your birthday! We really encouraged them to make the trip and so I am glad that they truly enjoyed it. And, to be the first parents of a BAS person is fabulous!!! Hey, I bet your Mom really was sore from the Shakleton walk! I just read over some of your more recent blogs about having to catch and weigh the little “nippers.” Ouch, I bet those bites hurt! Take care and know we all miss you but love reading your blog!

    xoxo Suzanne