Archive for November, 2009


Life at the Poles

November 8, 2009   

People keep on asking me what there is to see underwater in Antarctica. Seeing as I have dove yet I talked to the people I will be working with. When I went to Oban for dive week I dove with David Barnes one of the BAS scientists who will be coming down to Rothera. I will be taking him out on the boat so he can continue his scientific research. I came across an interesting article in which David talks about inventorying life at the poles.

Dr Barnes told BBC News: “There is a widely held belief that life is very rich in the tropics and decreases through temperate areas, through to polar regions, which are thought to be barren.

“That is partly because we see life from the land point of view – and when we see the Arctic and Antarctic, we just see ice.

“But below the surface of the sea, it is an incredibly rich environment, and diving there is a bit like diving on a coral reef.”
Enjoy the full article here.

Waste Removal

November 4, 2009   

Antarctica is the largest wilderness on Earth with no permanent human inhabitants. However, the continent hosts 10,000 scientists and support staff in the summer. Removal of human created waste is a very important necessity to stop our impact on the pristine wilderness. To comply with the treaty we are given oil spill response training, waste management training etc. Check out BAS’s website about this important issue.

Getting ready…

November 2, 2009   

I am leaving to go south in 10 days and it is fall/winter in the UK the leaves are looking beautiful. Last week after crane driving I spent the week working on my fathers boat, cleaning out the attic in my parents house, seeing friends, writing birthday cards, sorting out christmas cards and presents. This week I am visiting friends some more helping my mum with a Guy Fawkes party, having my hair cut (I have been dared by a friend to shave it all off!), packing my 23kg allowance (a hard thing to do) and working some more on Dad’s boat. So just a lot of mundane running around chores! Soon enough I will be on the plane headed to Madrid then Santiago, Falklands and Rothera.

Have a great week.

DSCN4300 This is a picture taken on Hampstead Heath where I went for a walk with a friend.