
February 4, 2010   


We have had humpbacks in Ryder Bay over the last month they really are graceful and magnificant. They grow up to 52 feet and weigh up to 76,000lbs. They are loved at Rothera because they often breach and show their tail flukes and also they will sing which is thought to be a mating call. Their singing will go on for 10-20 minutes. They migrate up to 25,000km a year coming down to Antarctica to feed on krill and small fish during the Antarctic winter they move north and live off their fat reserves not eating but breeding.

Antarctica  day twelve 169
On our return from Leonie summit we sat next to three humpbacks and watched them lunge feeding. It was unusual as they were in 35-50m of water in between lagoon and anchorage when we started watching them. There were three and they would come up for 6 breaths at the surface and then dive showing us their flukes and feed before returning to the surface about 5 minutes later to take some big breaths again.


One Response to “Humpbacks”

  1. What a beautiful sight. And Happy Birthday – a day late but no less heartfelt. Love you and miss you. Hugs, Betsy