It’s a long way to Italy

May 7, 2009   

Not England – Its St Thomas – off course it rains when I am trying to clean the boat.
Wednesday and Thursday the last two days of racing in Antigua was more of the same beautiful sailing conditions but no one to race against. We played with the TP at the start and then they would take off and leave us to ourselves. We lost on Wednesday by only 17 seconds… so the delta got smaller as the week went on and we had them sweating once or twice. Friday was spent sorting out accounts with the vendors, loading the boat and getting it ready for delivery. At the prize giving I got to catch up with a few friends and say goodbye to the people that helped out during the season.

Fredeau (one of the race crew) came with me on delivery to St Thomas and with the forecast of no wind from behind I loaded up with fuel. As it turns out we were able to sail just over ½ way in a beautiful 15-19 knots breeze off the starboard side. It wasn’t a horrible upwind delivery into 30 knots and at midnight as we sailed past Saba with a full moon illuminating the sea. I am going to miss the boat. She was easily slicing through the water at 10 knots with the delivery main and jib. 25 hours and we were docked at Crown Bay Marina and spent the day cleaning up the boat.

So now I am on a marathon of flights to take me on holiday. But first stop is home for 20 hours to change my bags out, see my nephew and nieces, pick up the dog for the night and have dinner with my great friends who kindly changed dinner plans so I could be included.

Life is good – the Yeoman XXXII project is finished and she is all packed ready to go home to the UK. I am on flight number 2 out of the 5 I will be taking in the next 48 hours. Before you know it I will be writing from Pompeii, Italy a place I have always wanted to go to. Stay tuned..

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