Midwinter Day activities thus far

June 21, 2011   

Rob delivered me breakfast in bed starting with a hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream.

Followed by two perfectly made and shaped croissants

Second course on breakfast was a full cooked breakfast again delivered to my room by Rob – not a bad BC!

The midwinter presents laid out after opening – lots of talent – btw that is a musical instrument made by Rob for Tommy!

Kieron made me a half hull to scale from the architects drawings of our harbor launches.

After presents we all went for the midwinter swim!


4 Responses to “Midwinter Day activities thus far”

  1. HAPPY MIDWINTER to you all, love your “card” great pics of your gifts, what an amazing bunch you are, with love Anita and Bill Perrin (Ashleys Parents)xox

  2. Your mum told me you were celebrating the solstice pagan-fashion down there at the bottom of the world, so I send my greetings to you from the longest day in the northern hemisphere. I thought you’d all be dancing naked in the snow and frying penguins, but having seen your photos it looks like I got that completely wrong!!

    Happy Midwinter Solstice Ashley!!

    Love from Rosemary and family

  3. Sue is sending you greetings via e mail Ashleyxxxx Sue

  4. Sutter Schumacher

    Let the longer days begin! Glad you enjoyed the celebrations (or at least the first half of them!) xoxo, ss