More painting and swabbing of decks!

June 3, 2011   

This is a backer board for another lifering for the other side of the wharf. Matt H welded on a bracket to the forward section of the jet boat fence. I have painted that section this week and Matt will cut the fenders next week then it will be installed and that project will be complete. It will mean I can rest easy at night in a storm when it is high tide and not find the jet boats possibly on the wharf in the morning.

The bitter end of the anchor rode on the RIBs was not attached so installing a U bolt to tie it to was necessary. First drilled an oversize hole in the bulkhead then filled with epoxy to seal the plywood and redrilled and sealed with sicaflex.

The lifering stand needed a wiring brushing and painting and I made a bag for the polyprop line to live in reducing the UV damage.

On tuesday we took out the jet boat Pipit. It reminded me of taking your car out on a good winter day in the UK. Matt is here scrapping the frost off the windscreen of the jet boat – no credit card or scraper so he used a plastic thermometer!

The boat needed lots of little jobs done. Due to the ice on the cove recently the bottom didn’t need cleaning. The jet unit steering system was serviced and checks to the buckets done. Nicks were found in the electrical wiring where it entered the mast system. And as you can see from the picture above it needed a valeting – hence me scrubbing the cabin floor. More jobs to do on monday before she goes back in. The normal monthly and some three monthly jobs were also done by Matt.

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