Salt Water Coffee

July 13, 2010   

Wet wet wet everything on RB is soaking the berths everyone’s foul weather gear and there is a run on the monkey butt powder.David complained as yet another side wave blasted us that every cup of coffee tasted like it had been made with salt water! Top speed was 19.4 with the spinnaker up and we were having a lot of fun until the tack blew out. Three hours later we had sewn the tack back onto the kite and were ready to hoist. Olivier did a great job with the sailors palm after I started to fall asleep. Lots of other boat jobs have been completed including re rigging the backstay and repairing a small hole in the main which was caused when we were reefed and the top spreader punched through it. The food continues to be amazing I don’t think I have ever been on an offshore boat which had sticky rice and pork wrapped in palm fronds on the menu. The dessert of choice this last few days has been trader joe’s chocolate ganache with mousse filling. We spent the night without the spinnaker up with just the main as it allowed us to sail closer to the direct course to Hawaii. This morning we felt some vibrations on the rudder so I stuck my head over the stern while the guys did the mainsail repair and saw two large strings of kelp on the prop shaft so we had to back down to get rid of it. Seeing as I had dunked my head in the water I decided it was time to wash my hair again so I am feeling very much more human with dry clothes and clean hair and I even much to the guys incredulity shaved my legs! Still cloudy skies and no stars at night but the water is getting warmer as is the air temperature.

Anyways time for some sleep.

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