Saturday Skinning

June 11, 2011   

At 9:00am there was a knock on my door – Rob was outside dressed for skiing and wanted to know if I was coming. We had some great snow fall last week but it had warmed on Friday and it seemed to be melting quickly. I dragged myself out of bed however, and 5 of us took off towards the repeater on the Duse ridge with all the requisite avalanche gear.

I really shouldn’t have been out as I was still sick but how could I not! As the snow was Sierra cement in nature and it was threatening to rain I decided to stay with Ali and Sam on the first part of the plateau and try to teach Sam how to ski. She did a good job considering the snow conditions but in the end decided it was easier to walk down the hill. Ali also did a good job only coming to a halt when he hit a hidden rock – the contrast was poor. I am trying to relearn how to ski on my new skis which are very wide and also longer than I am use to.

When I told mum we went skinning she thought I had mispelt skiing but no skinning is when you put skins on the bottom of your skis so you can go uphill – as of course here we don’t have ski lifts.

Dinner was Saturday night at Carse house cooked by Ruth and Maureen. A splendid feast with delicious profitta rolls for dessert.


2 Responses to “Saturday Skinning”

  1. OK Ashley — I’m dumb — what skins?

  2. Skins are removable pieces of nylon fabric whose nap runs at an oblique angle, allowing the ski to glide forward, but not back. Originally, these skins were actually made of furry seal skin. They attach to the bottom of my skis for when I am going uphill or on the flat. I then remove them when I want to go downhill. The skis are standard downhill skis but with touring bindings on them which allows me to lift up the heel and slide the ski forward like cross country skis. I can then lock them down for going downhill.