Today’s fun

February 3, 2010   

Boat/dive meeting board this morning

SDC13029Going in for my birthday dive at Anchorage – a great wall dive.

In the bath tub in the dive store. The family tradition even gets to Antarctica except this was full of -1C salt water from the Aquarium.


4 Responses to “Today’s fun”

  1. Dear Ashley
    Very happy birthday and how wonderful to see that the bath birthday tradition carries on. What a great memory to have and a great photo too!. Trust all is well with you and we love to read your interesting account of your adventures which keep us intrigued and delighted by your news. Thank you. Happy celebrations and take care. Love all the Whytes.

  2. Happy Birthday Ashley!!!
    Suzanne joins me in wishing you well. We enjoy your blog soooo much – a different adventure every day. We are having dinner tonight will your parents. Of course, continuing a Perrin tradition, we will charge our dinner on your number. Just Kidding.
    Keep Safe, Harry Smith

  3. Dear Auntie Ash,

    Did you make a splash and get the floor wet, I did in my bathroom during my bath.

    XXXX Henry

  4. Happy Birthday, Ashley, your dad said it was a wet one, from the pics, he was right!

    Enjoy and many many more.
