Torpedoes in the night

July 17, 2010   

P1340986Last night Wayne and I were on deck and I started to hear the familiar noise of dolphins jumping around the boat. They really are beautiful at night looking like torpedoes with the phosphorescence weaving around the bow and darting towards the keel. Something that has been very noticeable this trip for me is the lack of wildlife which is very saddening.

This morning the head of the spinnaker exploded so I had to go up the rig to bring down the corner after we all pulled the spinnaker in out of the water. So todays activity was a 5.5 hour sail repair luckily the wind was maxing out at 20 knots so we were able to hoist the old large spinnaker and keep on moving towards Hawaii.

We continue to play musical bunks but are now in a new watch rotation so I haven’t had to move once an hour like the beginning of the trip.
One of the crew and I got into a system of sleeping head to toe in the weather bunk with him leaving after an hour to go on watch! Amazingly the smell of each others feet has still allowed us to sleep. This is preferable to the leaking back bunk that Olivier really doesn’t seem to mind.

I lay down below laughing at the conversation on deck several times in the last few days. When the two Frenchmen are up they speak French interspersed with English terms so it sounds like blah blah blah true wind direction blah blah blah velocity made good! David went up at some point and said seeing as he hadn’t looked in a mirror lately feel free to tell him if he had a massive zit or something!

The Dove chocolates have little ‘sayings’ in them one yesterday created some funny conversation – Love comes naturally if it is a two way street – one of the crew commented I wish I knew that earlier I thought I could just pay for it! The sexual innuendos are also starting. A pertinent one is also Be extraordinary in the ordinary things of life – just doing simple things like washing up takes a lot of effort on a boat and makes you look extraordinary. I hope the guys do as much cooking and cleaning ashore as they do onboard if so their partners are pretty lucky women.

I need to sleep as have spent my last off watch sewing away so have been up for 8 hours when my body is use to lots of catnaps.


3 Responses to “Torpedoes in the night”

  1. Great wedding the siebenthals send love and look forward to seeing you in denver when you go to see the cousins

    Travelling back to UK today (I hope)

    Love MOM and DAD

  2. You’re headed for Hawaii???

    I thought you were going around Britain and Ireland.

    I told you not to let Miles be the navigator…


  3. Love your comment about the french …. I often do it…. the blah blah blah computer blah blah blah java script…. it’s hard to have technical lingo correct in more thsn one language! (at least for some of us)

    Thanks for sharing your trip!
